Friday 24 January 2014

Friday. The new Monday.

Friday training days are proving to be a challenge. Between my husband leaving for work at 6 and my working part time, I've had to carefully plan which days I can train on.

Right now it's set as Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. Three days a week because I'm trying to avoid injury. On Tuesdays and Fridays I get up at 4:45 am so I can be out the door by 5. I work on Wednesday and Thursday and aim to leave the house by 7:45. I'm not usually home until 7 pm and very much ready for bed by 9!

My kids have never been good sleepers. A is a bit better than L, but she's teething lately and currently seems to have a cold (complete with fever and vomiting).

As you can imagine, by the time Friday morning comes around, running in the dark, freezing cold of 5am is the last thing I want to do.

I didn't make it out the door this morning, but running two days a week is not going to get me to that finish line in very good shape.

So right now, while I rock my sick baby while she fitfully sleeps, I'm telling myself to suck it up and go tonight. I'm not training for a marathon because it's easy.  And this is just part of the journey.

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