Monday, 27 August 2012

A true BAMR

Feeling my mood has been slowly slipping into the negative zone, I was determined to get my run in today. I saw the doctor on Wednesday and he encouraged me to keep running as much as I can (yay!), but to take it easy. So perhaps running at a pace one minute from my personal best for the 10k isn't such a great idea right now.

This is me last weekend after the Richmond 10k. Yes, one minute from my personal best
The pace was so fast (and tough) for the first 1k that I cried, terrified that I'd come in last. 

That fast pace left my pelvis in a lot of discomfort, something that really worried me after all the pain I experienced with my last pregnancy. But, determined to deal with this proactively and to be more fit this pregnancy, the doctor has referred me for physiotherapy and I'm going to keep running.

This morning I set off for my run with optimism and a dose of forgiveness. I was going to take it slow and I was going to walk if I needed to. The first 2 miles were rough, but once I hit my stride, even the hills didn't slow me down. Well, I attacked one with gusto, the others I allowed myself to walk after giving them a good go.  I felt so good, in fact, that I ran 6 and a quarter miles rather than my planned 5.  I had only finished 5 miles by the time I had finished 10k last weekend, but it didn't bother me because I felt so good.

I won't lie and say the run was pain free because it wasn't, but I was able to run further before it started and I took it easy once it was there. I felt like a true badass mother runner.

My only worry now is how many pitstops I'll need to make for the toilet...

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