Wednesday, 22 August 2012


It was with ginger feet that I left for my run this morning. I'm worried about a condition I had during my last pregnancy: symphysis pubis dysfunction or pelvic girdle pain. It's not uncommon for pregnant women given that our joints get loose in preparation to birth a baby, but it is not pleasant. I was in quite a lot of pain by the end of my last pregnancy which resulted in very little exercise and quite a bit of weight gain. It continued after I had my son and I needed to have some physiotherapy to help it. With all that, it's very much on my mind this pregnancy and a large part of why I'm still running and trying to stay fit.

For the past few weeks, I have started to feel some of the twinges starting during my runs. When I saw a physio after my last pregnancy, she told me that as long as it isn't sharp pain, to carry on. So I have been. And so I ran my first 10k race this past weekend and my pelvis was very sore afterwards. During the race it was just the achy feeling, but for a few days afterwards I would get the sharp pains if my weight wasn't evenly distributed. Most likely this is just from swelling from irritation. I ran the 10k at a pace I did not expect from my pregnant self, but this clearly has made my pelvis unhappy.

So I set off for my run this morning fully expecting to have some pain. I kept at a very, very easy pace and took a short route that I knew I could cut even shorter if I needed to. I felt great for the first two miles and then the pain started again. So, with all this in mind, I am off to the doctor this morning to hopefully control this before it gets out of hand. I'm hoping that I will be able to keep running. For my mental health. For my physical health. And for my baby.

I'll keep you posted.

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